Sunday 27 October 2013

Grow Taller 4 Idiots - Genuine and Effective - Increase your Height by 3-5" in 4-9 weeks!

Thank you for subscribing  for the FREE 'Grow Taller' Starter Course. You should have received your first email by now. Enjoy!

In the mean time, you can read about the complete exercise, diet, nutrition and grooming course below...

Grow Taller 4 Idiots

  • Are you FED UP with being short?
  • Are your talents and skills completely sidetracked most of the time... just because you're shorter?

Heightism, unfortunately, is prevalent in our society and some intelligent but short people are getting bypassed because they just do not have the presence that draws positive attention in comparison with taller people.
We cannot place the blame on people being 'unfair' or 'superficial' because, in almost all the cases, they do not consciously mean to discriminate! All of the apparent difference of treatment springs from a hard-wired, subconscious belief system that short folks are not as good in doing something compared to taller people.
As these beliefs are usually unconscious and deeply ingrained almost all of the population, not much can help a change in perception unless you attempt the impossible, which is and falsify the beliefs of every person you come into contact with.

So .. what's left? - Right, you should GROW taller!

I bet that sounds ridiculous to those above 22 whose grow plates have already fused, I know...

There are many scams that try to make you believe that you can grow taller, ranging from herbal supplements, reflexology and hypnotism , so you're understandably skeptical - but read on and this just might be the solution you're looking for...

Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a comprehensive training program here to help you reach your full potential height, even if puberty is decades behind you.
  It is based on solid science and works by
 1) trying to decompress (this is important) the spinal disks as much as possible in order to 'reveal' the hidden inches through a clear and progressive exercise program. The author has now kindly added video demonstrations in the member's area to make it all easier,

 2) To stimulate the body into growth mode using

i) a thorough and deliberate dieting plan. It is important to follow the diet instructions to the letter - making adjustments like I did if you are a vegetarian/vegan - because this is the foundation  from which your body can  build the taller you.

In addition to the above, there is also a discussion on the vitamins and minerals needed for growth and maintenance of health through food sources (not supplements)

ii) by boosting the HGH (human growth hormone) level by around 300% through the use of 100% natural, readily available grocery (read - there is nothing fancy or expensive).


The introductory exercises should not take more than 15 minutes daily and progress to 30 minutes as you increase your flexibility with different forms being practiced on a 5 day cycle. You do not need any sophisticated equipment beyond a simple chair.

Very simple demonstration of the exercises in the course ranging
from simple stretching to Ancient techniques 


Correct posture is more than just 'standing straight' and Grow Taller 4 Idiots explains how you can deal with conditions such as the titled pelvis and round and broad shoulders. Further increase to height can be made by the correction of leg positions.

A basic teaching to allow the spinal disk to decompress is by not using a pillow when sleeping and to avoid weight lifting -- whilst doing the program --  as this contributes to spinal compression and detracts from the efforts made in other areas.

Ability to increase flexibility of spine leads 2-3 inches increase in height after 2-3 weeks

Only join this program if you are going to put the i) effort into performing the exercises outlined daily
ii) will wholeheartedly and diligently follow the diet plan proposed
iii) will persevere with the above for a minimum of 5 weeks before witnessing drastic changes. Results will only become permanent if you seek to push your limits regularly and actually add the exercises to your regular fitness routine.

'Wow! So much to do..'
Yes there is but you should do everything, as all steps are essential. You are well aware, also, that the results are simply worth it. Those extra inches are going to positively influence your confidence, relationships and most likely your finances too.

Included in the closing pages are tips for giving the illusion of extra height including wearing vertically striped shirts and many more...

Finally, a program review for good measures -- 

60 Day Money Back guarantee included, so you're completely safe in trying this system

                                                      READY TO GET TALLER?

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