Friday 25 October 2013

Exercises to grow taller


Here are some basic exercises which help to stretch the spine before and after exercising.

PLEASE, whist you are following this grow taller program, refrain from weight lifting - especially the bench type - as this will detract from any efforts made. This is simply because weight lifting involves compressing the spine further, and our goal here is to decompress as much as possible… and to then ‘solidify’ these changes so that you may then go back to your bodybuilding routine (if you have one) without ‘losing’ height.

Here are other pointers on exercise before we get started with describing the forms and techniques:

- Exercises must be done slowly, mindfully and, more importantly, in the correct form to get the full benefit and to avoid growth side-effects

- If it helps, keep using affirmations such as ‘’I am growing’’ to maintain peak level motivation for longer and to create a habit of looking at the positive side of the exercises when you start pushing yourself.

The following are 2 exercises to get you started:


Interlace your fingers as shown in the
Tilt your upper body to the sides, go
as far as you can. Repeat for both sides.


1) Stand two-three feet away from any wall/door
Make sure your feet are together and that
your shoulders are to the sides, with
your fingers pointing downwards.

2) Now pull your upper-body backwards until
your fingers touch the wall. Try as
much as you can to adjust the posture
so that you form a straight line.

Whilst we are on the topic of exercise, another fun and regular sports that will help in this mission is - swimming! It involves the full stretching of the spines and also offers a good all-round workout for the cardio system.
Basketball really helps too as it works out your calves and thigh muscles.

Streamlining that should be aimed for when swimming

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