Friday 22 November 2013

Height Lengthening Surgery

Have you tried the other techniques on this and other sites and have still not received the results you desire?
 Do you have a treasure of a saving, a top executive career (or equivalent), won the lottery or taken a rich inheritance.... or just want to really get into debt?

Today you will learn about the cosmetic limb lengthening surgery also known as distraction ostogenesis.

  History of the procedure:
 Leg lengthening surgeries were originally conducted as a correction procedure for disproportional leg lengths in children or in cases of a medical condition called Dwarfism, where a person is in the lowest 5th percentile of heights compared to the general population. This operation was 'discovered' by Russian doctor  Gavril Ilizarov. Originally it was very painful, considered high risk and patients had very little mobility during the time when the external rod were present. This is the device used in the 'old' days (although cheaper foreign hospitals still use it) -- today it is strongly recommended that you avoid this method due to the long recovery times and potentially unsatisfactory results. Distraction Ostogenesis today: Greater mobility and lengthening results can now be achieved through the use of the  'Precice' technology which uses internal instead of external extensions. Up to three different sections of the leg can be lengthened now including the tibia and femur for an approximate average increase of 5.1 inches.


The image above shows where the leg can be lengthened.  

  Procedure: The procedure is 3 phase:
  • Nail implanting,
  • Distraction (the breaking of the bones and insertion of the device)
  • Consolidation -- gradually bringing the two bones together, usually by 1mm/day
After the procedure: You will be undergoing daily physical therapy sessions and will stay in crutches during the recovery period. It is also recommended that you take calcium and vital vitamins to aid in bone construction and to maintain optimum health for faster recovery.
 A good option would be to remain in the residential area of the hospital where you have done the procedure to receive the proper medical and emotional support. It also makes the resolution of any possible complications experienced much easier.  It will take up to 1 year for the device to be removed so your physical activity will be severely limited. You should make daily plans for what you will be doing, that do not include physical activity, after the procedure.  This is also a reminder as to why it is important to assess whether the advantages of going through with the surgery clearly outweigh the disadvantages. 

  Costs: Around $80,000 for general leg lengthening but if more height is desired then a double procedure which also lengthens the  tibia and femur can be had for $170,000. Foreign clinics can be much cheaper but consider that this is a very high risk procedure, making safety an absolute priority.
 Make a rule of never looking at costs first for any surgical procedure - always pick quality first.
  Recommended clinics:
  Paley Advanced Limb Lengthening Institute: 
 Dr Paley is the foremost authority in the limb lengthening field and has completed over 15,000 limb lengthening procedures. He is located in Palm Beach, FL, USA.
Bertz Institute: 
  Another authority in the field is the Bertz Institute located in Lebach, Germany.
 I hope you have found this information helpful. Please leave comments if you have any questions.

Thursday 21 November 2013

What YOU can do about Heightism

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Wednesday 20 November 2013

MUST HAVE products to help you grow taller

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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Height increasing surgery

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Wednesday 6 November 2013

What YOU can do about Heightism


- Involve them in social activities and in conversations; ask their opinion and consult them on areas where they have knowledge. Shorter guys are seen to be more socially backward, so break the silence and do not just ignore them - defy your subconscious tendencies and test just how accepting and loving you are of others.

- When you see hate messages or tweets which are discriminating on shorter guys for no good reason, then battle it! Probe and see where the person has got that opinion from, and how their dislike related to height specifically

- Tell short-statured people, males especially, about support websites and groups available on the Web. 

The largest are: 

Little people of America

Short Statured People of Australia

Shorter Persons Support

- Test the prejudice, break the mold and promote the shorter guy - if you can, and the two candidates are otherwise equal apart from height - to a position of authority, especially if they have the 'Napoleonic drive' within them and have demonstrated managerial or leadership ability previously. Do not just let the tall guy earn the most.

- If you are a woman, date a shorter guy! Well, not just because they are shorter than average, but do not let a guy down just because they're not as tall as your ideal, if you feel that they will satisfy you overall

Basically, overlook their height and focus on their personality and regularly assure them that they are 'normal' and their height is only a small part of them if they are a friend or an acquaintance. 

If you find that your shorter friends are clearly insecure and it is 'directly' related to their height, then suggest elevation shoes, and that they buy insoles to give them a small boost (or buy it for them as a gift!)

If the person consulting you is a girl, tell assure her of the fact that taller than average people have problems getting dates as men may feel 'intimated' approaching them; they may also feel 'unmasculine'. 

Assure them that they are still dateable and give honest remarks on things you like about them -- I am suggesting you make this a general habit with everybody for a Pleasing Personality.
 You may then, subtly and gradually, suggest that they go and ask out a taller person that they want a date with!

Ultimately the best method to heal this once and for all, to clear the 'I could have been taller' remorse, is to help them reach their maximum potential which the following email course

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Lifestyle tips to promote growth

Further Lifestyle Tips to reach maximum height.:

It is vital to remove stress completely from your system and to ensure that your home and work areas are as calm as possible.
This is by following simple rules such as keeping your surroundings tidy, exercising regularly, maintaining positive social relationships and other practices such as meditation, aromatherapy massage, yoga and EFT (emotional freedom techniques).

Stress is one of the most adverse emotional states, and exerts unnatural pressure on the functioning of your body. Not only does it destroy your peace of mind and start to weaken your nervous and Immune systems, but also, as a natural side effect, cause sinks in HGH production.

So it follows that one of the best lifestyle changes that you can take now, if you have not already, is to eliminate the sources of stress and, if that is not completely possible, then to at least avoid interaction with causes (i.e. people and places) as much as possible. Make it one of your top goals.

If not recognized and treated at an early stage, even mild states of stress can start to cause psychosomatic disturbances, which can make an illness worse, especially if the stress is regular over a period of time. It is a big deal and you should not put up with it.

Take this advice more seriously especially if you are still a teenager or a late bloomer. You do not want to affect your overall growth by indulging or allowing this emotional state to affect your growth potential.

If you feel that stress is affecting you on a day to day basis, then it is recommended that you dedicate a notebook for the purpose of noting down environmental factors that induce or are the cause of the stress.

The Inversion table

Inversion tables help to stretch the body fully and are known to have an emotionally calming effect and to help the user to gain height.
The advised form to bring about the full benefits is to place your hands above your head. Try to build up the time that you can be in this position to 20 minutes daily; have a magazine or mp3 player handy to stop you from getting bored.

Correct form: hands together above the head and body stretched
in a straight line 

More on the HGH and other ways of growing


Today I will discuss two substances which you can take to boost HGH levels even further. Take these in addition to the cocktail.

L-Arginine and L-Lysine which will raise your HGH level by approximately 700-800%.
For maximum results, look for a supplement which contains both. Take this before going to sleep on an empty stomach. 
For those with medical conditions, please consult with your family doctor as a safety precaution.

It may also interest you to note that a positive side-effect of Arginine is enhanced athletic performance.

Still growing?

Another tip comes from the interesting discovery that sounds of particular frequencies can influence our health and, if applied before growth plates have 'fused', growth also:

Listen to 1.5Hz isochronic tones as much as possible during the day. A good idea will be to put these vibrations at the background using audio software such as Audacity, with your favourite music (or nature sounds) on the foreground as low frequency sounds can be distracting to most people . 
Using these as you are sleeping is especially effective and will help boost the HGH level even further by keeping you in a non-REM sleeping state