Wednesday 6 November 2013

What YOU can do about Heightism


- Involve them in social activities and in conversations; ask their opinion and consult them on areas where they have knowledge. Shorter guys are seen to be more socially backward, so break the silence and do not just ignore them - defy your subconscious tendencies and test just how accepting and loving you are of others.

- When you see hate messages or tweets which are discriminating on shorter guys for no good reason, then battle it! Probe and see where the person has got that opinion from, and how their dislike related to height specifically

- Tell short-statured people, males especially, about support websites and groups available on the Web. 

The largest are: 

Little people of America

Short Statured People of Australia

Shorter Persons Support

- Test the prejudice, break the mold and promote the shorter guy - if you can, and the two candidates are otherwise equal apart from height - to a position of authority, especially if they have the 'Napoleonic drive' within them and have demonstrated managerial or leadership ability previously. Do not just let the tall guy earn the most.

- If you are a woman, date a shorter guy! Well, not just because they are shorter than average, but do not let a guy down just because they're not as tall as your ideal, if you feel that they will satisfy you overall

Basically, overlook their height and focus on their personality and regularly assure them that they are 'normal' and their height is only a small part of them if they are a friend or an acquaintance. 

If you find that your shorter friends are clearly insecure and it is 'directly' related to their height, then suggest elevation shoes, and that they buy insoles to give them a small boost (or buy it for them as a gift!)

If the person consulting you is a girl, tell assure her of the fact that taller than average people have problems getting dates as men may feel 'intimated' approaching them; they may also feel 'unmasculine'. 

Assure them that they are still dateable and give honest remarks on things you like about them -- I am suggesting you make this a general habit with everybody for a Pleasing Personality.
 You may then, subtly and gradually, suggest that they go and ask out a taller person that they want a date with!

Ultimately the best method to heal this once and for all, to clear the 'I could have been taller' remorse, is to help them reach their maximum potential which the following email course

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