Sunday 22 September 2013

Increase height insole

Today I will be covering two of the more credible sites offering shoes which will add a few inches to your frame.

Buggari Shoes:

Bugarri Shoes specialises in a variety of height enhancement shoes.
Prices range from 100-180 EUR and can increase your normal height anywhere between 5-14 cm -- which can make a huge difference and the insoles are pretty much hidden as shown:

Models range from Casual, dress, 'extra high', trendy, sneakers and sporty, for both men and women.

Here are some examples of the favourite picks:

Classy, right?

Look taller whilst exercising

You can go more confidently to that job interview or that business meeting dressed in a pair of these...


Secretshoes, established 2003, is London based and offers a wider range of formal models.

Compared to most formal pairs, I found this to be particularly good value:


  1. Today I will be covering two of the more credible sites offering shoes which will add a few inches to your frame. shoe lifts for men

  2. These inserts are widely available, and are an affordable way to look taller, as well. shoe lifts
